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Raise Awareness to Lessen FOD Damages

Ari Ketola

Foreign Object Debris (FOD) poses a significant threat to aircraft and equipment, leading to potential injuries and substantial financial losses within the aviation industry. According to Boeing, the annual cost of FOD-related damages reaches a staggering $4 billion.

FOD Prevention Program

FOD includes a wide range of material, including loose hardware, pieces of luggage, cargo supporting material and plastic pallet covers.

To mitigate risks, a comprehensive FOD prevention program of training, facility inspection and coordination between all affected parties can minimise FOD and its effects.

A program to control airport FOD is most effective when it addresses four main areas:

1. Training

2. Inspection by airline, airport, and airplane handling agency personnel

3. Maintenance

4. Coordination

Airlines, ground handling agents and airport operators can reduce this cost by taking steps to prevent airport FOD.

We Are the Global Leader in Ground Handling eLearning

Our online courses are used in more than 140 countries around the world. Airport College International is proud to offer online eLearning courses in several languages to support your company training challenges.

We are actively looking for new clients and would like to provide you with our solutions for tackling industry-wide challenges.

Do You Want To Hear More

If you want to improve your company’s training related productivity today you can contact us right now, we know how this can be done.

Best regards,


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