Last week we participated in the World Cargo Symposium (WCS) organized by IATA, held in Dublin, Ireland, that focused on the air cargo business. The Symposium had more than 500 people present in Dublin and another 170 attended online.
Participants were able to participate in plenary sessions and workshops, or online, tackling aspects related to technology & innovation, security & customs, cargo operations and sustainability.

The key message from the participants was that the industry must work together to:
Make Aviation Sustainable: "Sustainability is going to be the next big driver for our industry, which also covers three P's: Planet, Prosperity and People.
Continue Modernizing Processes: "The technology is there. Now we just have to use it.”
Attract the Next Generation Workforce: "Have a focus on sustainability, society, and digital efficiency."
Affordable and Measurable Training to Keep Workforce Competent
Today it seems that at least part of the world can see the light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully the "new normal" can take place soon.
During the past year we at Airport College International have been busy developing training solutions for the future to help support the aviation industry to attract new talents, develop staff skills and keep workforces competent.
Thousands of Operational Staff Take Our Online Courses Every Year
Our online courses are used in more than 140 countries around the world. Airport College International is proud to offer online eLearning courses in several languages to support your company training needs.
We at Airport College are actively looking for new clients and would like to provide you with our solutions for tackling industry-wide challenges.
Would You Like to Know More?
Please drop me an email to discuss more.
With best regards,