Greetings From Singapore
During the past two weeks we have been actively meeting our existing and potential new clients in Singapore. Airport College COO Ari Ketola has been meeting key persons from ground handling and logistics training together with our local representative Ronnie Chew from Worldwide GSA Group, Singapore.
Some very interesting discussions concerning the use off online training have covered topics such as DGR CBTA model, using virtual reality in training, and best practises in combining eLearning with classroom training. We also discussed the possibility of making a Certificate in Air Cargo available in Singapore. More news about this will follow later this year.

Picture from left to right: Peggy Lim (SAAA), Ronnie Chew (WWGSA), Pauline Tok (SAAA), and Ari Ketola after meeting in the new training center fo SAAA (formerly known as Singapore Aircargo Agents Association).
Greetings From Dubai
This week Airport College International participated in the GHI Ground Handling International 14th Annual Asian Conference, held in Dubai from 21 to 23 February 2023.
It was a great opportunity to meet our current and potential new clients in the event of more than 350 aviation professionals from airlines, ground handlers, airports and other service providers from Asia and other parts of world too.

Picture from left to right: Delegates from SHARP AVIATION K Samok Cho (GM Marketing & Contract), Michael Kim (Managing Director - Airport Services), Soon Suk Paik (President & CEO), Pertti Mero (CEO of Airport College Intl.), Jaehwan Paik (Senior Manager) and Stanley Cho (EVP & CFO).
Here’s Our Takeaways from the Asian GHI Conference
Asia has been a key player in the global aviation market. However, the pandemic has caused a significant slowdown in this sector, causing a major setback. But with the lifting of Covid restrictions, Asia is expected to recover and regain its position as a leading aviation market.
One way that ground handlers are boosting productivity is through the use of digital tools, which helps them achieve skill sets in line with regulations and business needs. Moreover, the issue of sustainability has been at the forefront of discussions, as lowering emissions intensity is now a requisite for all Asian aviation companies. This involves tackling challenges such as SAF, hydrogen, electric, and the decarbonisation of the industry.
The incorporation of technology, such as AI and facial recognition systems, has also shown great potential in transforming the industry. These technologies could help speed up processes and improve customer service. Furthermore, Asia's air cargo market is on the rise, with e-commerce and temperature-controlled goods leading the way.
In conclusion, it is clear that the Asian aviation industry is on the road to recovery, with a renewed focus on digital tools, sustainability, and incorporating new technologies to transform the industry. It will be exciting to see how the industry evolves and meets the challenges ahead.
Thank you – see you next time!
Face-to-face Meetings
Perhaps the most import takeaway was meeting current and potential clients and important stakeholders from Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
Thank to you all of you who we met and let's be in touch!
We welcome anyone who was not able to attend this time to contact us and meet us online.
Would You Like to Know More?
Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information or to book a meeting.
With best regards,