Because ULDs become part of the aircraft’s structure during the flight, they must therefore be regulated, just like any other aircraft component.
Operational personnel directly involved in ULD operations are required to be trained regularly on topics relevant to their job tasks and responsibilities.
We at help airlines, ground handling agents and logistic companies meet training standards with our ULD training tools, which we cover in this blog.
1. ULD Operations – eLearning course
Our ULD Operations online eLearning course is designed according to the training requirements outlined by the IATA ULD Panel and published in the IATA ULD Regulations (ULDR).
The IATA has developed ULD Regulations (ULDR) for standards and procedures concerning the specifications, handling, restraint and maintenance of ULDs for operational personnel.
This course is suitable for operation personnel involved in ULD handling in airline, ground handling and air cargo terminal operations.
Click here to learn more

2. ULD Inspection VR Training
Accessing real aviation equipment, such as Aircraft, ULDs and GSE, in hands-on training is often costly and difficult.
In Virtual Reality (VR) trainees can practice skills in a safe and realistic environment. Some of the drills may consist of situations or incidents which are not possible to practice in real life.
We have combined training and gaming elements in our VR solution and feedback from our clients is very positive.
Click here to learn more
3. Free ULD Awareness Videos
Airport College International and ULD CARE provide free video tools for the air cargo and ground handling industries. The concept includes a series of multiple-language videos for ULD inspection, handling and storage.
60 Second Videos About Safe ULD Inspection, Handling and Storage
The following free videos are available to reduce damage and repair costs as well as improving safety:
Container Inspection in 60 seconds video
This video highlights the main points of container inspection.
Pallet Inspection in 60 seconds video
This video highlights the main points of pallet and net inspection.
Pallet Build up in 60 seconds video
This video highlights the main steps of pallet build-up process.
ULD Transportation in 60 seconds video
This video summarises all important aspects of how to safely move ULDs from trucks to terminal, inside the cargo terminal and around the apron area.
Click here to learn more about what you can get!
Airport College International and ULD CARE work together for safer aviation
The purpose of our cooperation is to provide resources, skills and experience for aviation industry globally.
Combining the eLearning expertise of Airport College International and the ULD subject matter knowledge of ULD CARE ULD60seconds is a series of 60 seconds long videos that convey basic principles of safe and efficient ULD operations using effective video techniques.
A sustainable aviation industry requires continuing diligence when it comes to safety, especially given the challenging physical conditions and high personnel turnover that characterise many operating environments.
Thousands of Ground Handling Staff Take Our Online Courses Every Year
Our online courses are used in more than 140 countries around the world. Airport College International is proud to offer online eLearning courses in several languages to support your company training needs.
We at Airport College are actively looking for new clients and would like to provide you with our solutions for tackling industry-wide challenges.
Would You Like to Know More?
Please drop me an email to discuss more.
With best regards,